Our Day At the Beach
Every Memorial Day my parents have always taken us camping to Biloxi, MS where we stay in a campground right across the street from the beach. My whole life we've gone there at least three times a year up until 2005 when Hurricane Katrina whipped it out. Sadly, it still isn't the same as many businesses did not build back up. It is starting to slowly gain more and more "life" and in the past few years my parents have started going back. They were camping there this past weekend and Little Bug and I drove up for the day and had a blast (it's about 2.5 hrs from our house).
At first we left Little Bug in the pack n play, but Little Miss Diva wasn't a fan of that no matter how many toys I threw in there. Finally we took her on a walk and then finally we let her down to enjoy the fun and let me just say that she LOVED it. She was running around screaming and exploring, it was adorable. She even enjoyed the dry sand and surprisingly never tried to eat it. It was just adorable seeing her explore something new! Oh how I love this child!
Okay, I'll let you just enjoy these adorable photos for now. Hopefully we can go on a beach vacation when my husband is done working a turnaround so he can see our Little Bug being a beach bum. I can't wait to go back to the beach (although it is a lot of work with a baby).
No she is not actually on my phone. It was in the chair and she climbed up and did this. I don't let her play with it... |
How old was your little one for their first time at the beach?
What are your tips for going to the beach with babies?
What are your tips for going to the beach with babies?
Thanks for reading and Happy Weekend, Sasha