Cleaning With Earth Friendly Products
Today I am happy to share with you some amazing cleaning products that I have recently had the privilege to try out. Cleaning your home with non toxic, healthy products should be a priority for us all, but many of us don't concern ourselves with the task as much as others. As consumers we're very brand loyal to the well known, main stream brands that we grew up seeing on TV and in big box stores.
Some of us like myself enjoy making simple, homemade cleaners but for others, homemade cleaners may not be too appealing. There is a wide variety out there of natural cleaning companies who are producing products that are safe and non toxic. However always read labels and strive to really know about the product that you're using because even if it says "natural," there is a chance that either something may not be natural or that something may indeed be toxic.
Today I get to share products with you from
that I am quite a fan of. I use a lot of homemade cleaners as well as another natural brand, but it has been a pleasure to try these out. This bundle of products makes up their
, however you can order any of these products plus more as you wish on their website.
My favorite product is probably the
. We all clean with all purpose cleaners and usually there is a citrus scent of some sort, but not with Parsley Plus. You get a new clean scent that is pleasantly surprising.
As far as the
and the
, I have zero complaints on them. I LOVE the Wave product and was pleasantly surprised at how well it cleaned my dishes when usually I feel like liquid detergent just doesn't always do the trick. However with these products I felt like my dishes were clean and safe for us and baby!
Let's talk about glass and window cleaners here. We all know that cleaning and getting streaks is a pain but nope, not with this
; no streaks what so ever! Finally, I really love the scent of the
. Odor eliminators to me are one of those products that you just don't need. I don't like spraying things into the air and I worry about allergies, pollutants, respiratory issues and so forth. While I'm not walking around spraying this stuff like it is pixie dust, I do occasionally use it and love the scent. There are minimal, natural ingredients and that is something that I look for in every product I use. Almost all of these products contain only about five ingredients including their
that is a popular brand among cloth diapering mamas and natural households.
Do yourself, your family and your home a favor and consider cleaning with natural, non toxic products. If you're looking for a place to start, check out
for many, many items for your home, family, bathroom, kitchen and even your pets!
What do you clean your house with?
Thanks for reading, Sasha