My One Year Blogiversary {Thank You}
Don't you hate when you prove your husband right? Don't you despise the fact that he said you would indeed do something and no matter how much you told him you wouldn't, you are indeed doing it.
Well that is me one year ago. On this day one year ago I posted my first blog post on this blog. You see I had another blog, a wedding and romance blog, which had been around since 2010. Around the time of my pregnancy I was losing interest in that blog. As much as I wanted to be involved in the wedding world (because I still sometimes do) I knew I'd never commit to it because I didn't want to be tied up on weekends with weddings and so forth. I knew that by having a new baby I'd want to dedicate all of my time to that baby and not invest in any wedding business (which we were considering) and so on. My old blog was really just never it for me.
My husband told me so many times that when I'd have a baby I'd start writing all about that. I argued with him and told him "no" because I thought weddings were my thing. Well low and behold, about a month or so after finding out I was pregnant, I quickly started creating The Mushy Mommy (in secret). I had my laptop with me frequently at my last job so it was my little secret project for days. I'd work a little here and there and create this blog.
And darn you husband, you were right.
A year later I am so pleased with this little space of mine. I've found my niche and sometimes I feel like I've even found part of my destiny through this site. Although I have more ideas to go along with it; I feel like this is just the beginning. There are so many doors that I want to open and jump straight into that would fit well with this site and ME. Doula? I want to be one. Certified Birth Educator? I want to be one. Elemenopee Consultant? I want to be one. Business Owner? I want to be one. Certified Lactation Consultant? I want to be one. All of this ties into everything that I now love and am so passionate about: mommyhood (and all of the natural things that go along with that). I've realized through writing this blog the things that I want to do and the things that I am passionate about. The comments and emails that I receive regarding how my little ole blog is inspirational and empowering for some expecting mamas and so forth, makes me realize just even more what I want to do (more like all of the things that I want to do).
Immediately after creating this blog I made friends. I made lots of friends. The bloggy world is full of many, many bloggy moms and I'm so thankful for my friends. I receive the sweetest emails and comments from consistent readers and that was something I never had. It makes me feel so good to know my blog is actually being read.
Immediately after creating this blog I made friends. I made lots of friends. The bloggy world is full of many, many bloggy moms and I'm so thankful for my friends. I receive the sweetest emails and comments from consistent readers and that was something I never had. It makes me feel so good to know my blog is actually being read.
So thank you from the bottom of my little heart for taking the time to read my blog and for leaving your sweet comments. Thank you to all who have stayed with my blog via Facebook after I threw a curve ball and changed things up on you. I'm so grateful to everyone for reading!
Many thanks and much love, Sasha
{Don't worry, the big giveaway is coming in a separate post!}