Boba Wrap and an Origami Owl Giveaway
Today is my one year blogiversary that you can read all about here. Here is where I wrote all of the sappy stuff that tells you all how much I appreciate you! Because I love you guys soooooo much, I have a giveaway planned to top off the one year giveaway celebration!
Today I am giving away (drum roll) a Boba Wrap Baby Carrier, an Origami Owl necklace set and three months of ad space on my blog! Say what?!?! Well actually I'm pretty sure it was no secret since the giveaway items are listed in the blog post title. But go ahead...give me your best "heck yea" face!
I simply love my Boba Wrap; my Little Bug and I use it all of the time. I love how I can tie it up, leave the house with her, arrive to our destination and put her in the wrap. I don't have to try and figure it out in public because I can simply tie it up at home. My Little Bug loves this wrap too! It supports my back and supports her legs/hips in the correct way as well. She is nearly 17lbs and I honestly don't ache while wearing her. She feels lighter to me in the carrier versus me just standing there holding her on my hip. The Boba wrap is ideal for babies from birth until about 18 months.
In addition to the wrap and advertising our amazing photographer and my friend Rhea, is giving away an Origami Owl necklace set to kick off her new adventures in Origami Owl. I stinking love this stuff and want one myself! If you ever need someone to order any Origami Owl from, you'll now have a new friend to order from! And if you're a local reader, make sure to look up Rhea for your next photo session! She is just simply amazing. See her work here // here // here // and here on my blog.
{Giveaway Details: This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.
The Boba Wrap is a value of $38 US Dollars and will be given away in winner's color of choice:
black, dark green, grey, navy, orange, or purple as long as color is available. Origami Owl necklace will consist of one locket, three charms and one chain. Advertising will be one large ad (200x250) to be featured in my sidebar for 90 days. Ad includes group highlight post, option to guest post and promotions via Twitter and Facebook. Normal ad value for 90 days would be $45. Giveaway is open to US residents only}
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My Little Bug and I this weekend and she's popping out everywhere: out of my Boba (we tied up in a hurry) and out of her own jacket! We love our Boba!
Thanks so much for reading and Happy Giveaway Celebration!