Studying the Saints

In honor of All Saints Day, I thought I would share some of the beautiful literature that we have within our home library on the lives of the Saints. Many of these we use in our homeschooling, but others have been purchased over the years for fun. Learning about the saints is such a fun and beautiful way to live out your Catholic faith.

Many people get confused on the topic of saints, because we all know that God commands us to never have any other idols. Saints are not idols, but are rather people who can intercede for us through prayer. These saints have lived such beautiful (but often hard) lives and many of them are martyrs. Their examples, teachings and writings are some of the most beautiful and inspiring examples of Christ’s love and sacrifice for us. It’s beautiful to see a child connect with a particular saint over time, a saint that they come to admire with frequently ask for their intercession. Each saint is so different in ethnicity, race, passions, region and more - it’s a beautiful gift to us all to find a saint that we really connect with.

The saints are our heavenly friends. Just as we ask our earthly friends to “pray for us” in times of need, the saints are also there to pray for us along our way to heaven, in the hopes that one day we will become saints too.

Below you’ll find some of my favorite resources, books and games for our saints! We love so many of these and most of all, we love supporting these small shops.

Many of these books can be found on Amazon or Catholic book stores. We also frequently purchase books at small church gift shops and often always receive Catholic resources in our stockings and easter baskets. We have quite a few more books that discuss the saints, but these are some of our favorites. We really enjoy “Picture Book of Saints” and “Saints Lives and Illuminations” as a quick reference guide on most saints. These saints can easily be studied or read about daily as a way to come to know your faith and the beautiful saints some more. “Our Island Saints” was a pleasure to read as well, as it paired with our third grade medieval studies.

There are also, “A Saint a Day” style books out there as well! There are so many resources and I encourage you to slowly learn about these beautiful saints. We have many of these items, but some of these are on my wishlist as well. Oh and the Catholic Sprout planner stickers are one of my fav items for myself! The rest is really great for the kids, ;)