5 Really Cool Reasons to Cloth Diaper (and a Giveaway)
We are giving away one of our favorite brands of cloth diapers, Luludew! Head on over to our instagram to enter to win!
So you’re scrolling through your newsfeed one day and see something about cloth diapers. You’re sitting there kinda in shock because you didn’t even realize that cloth diapers was still a thing. Aren’t there real diapers now these days? Why are people still using cloth?
I was you. I was somewhat shocked and completely uneducated on the concept of cloth diapers when I had my first born. I saw them mentioned on the internet and then the next thing you know, I was researching them and intrigued by seeing my internet friends post cute pictures of their baby’s with a really cute diaper.
What was with all of this cloth diaper fuss and why was it suddenly so “cool” again?
Well, after many years of cloth diapering and even owning a cloth diaper store, I am going to share with you why I think cloth diapers are so dang cool!
Cloth is cute. Okay let’s get over the fact that you have to wash these diapers, the same diapers that your baby poops in and let’s just have all the heart eyes over how cute they are. These diapers are adorable in every way imaginable. They are fluffy, they are soft and they come in thousands of prints and colors. You want chickens on your baby’s bum? Check. You want cute bears and mountain ridges on your baby’s bum? Check. You’re into buffalo plain or antique flowers? Check. You guys cloth diapers are one of the cutest things you can stick on a baby. Leave them pants less and just let them be. It’s the cutest thing in the world!
It’s super eco friendly. While you may not be an eco conscious kinda person (don’t worry, it’s okay to admit it), cloth diapers are very environmentally friendly. Disposables sit in landfills for thousands of years and cloth diapers cut back on that. We are not anti disposable in this home - in fact my two year old currently wears them. But when we are using cloth, I know that it’s one less disposable being tossed in our garbage can and essentially into a landfill.
It’s wonderful for baby’s skin. Have you ever dealt with a stubborn diaper rash that won’t go away? Or met a mama who has tried numerous creams and brands of diapers only to still have a diaper rash on hand? Babies often times have sensitive skin and react to many different chemicals, fabrics and fragrances. Because of this, sometimes mothers who didn’t want to cloth diaper end up having to try it out to heal their baby’s bottom. Not only are cloth diapers beneficial to baby’s skin to prevent rashes, but mainstream disposable diapers are full of toxins like artificial fragrances, chlorine and more. Just like you’d want to use a toxin free baby lotion, choosing a toxin free diaper is key too. Even if cloth diapers aren’t for you, there are numerous brands out there that are made with much less chemical exposure for your little one and even many that are biodegradable and made from plants.
They can be passed down. I know it may sound a little weird, I get it. You think it’s weird for your children to use all of the same diapers, but hear me out. There’s a way to “strip” the diapers clean between children so one baby can use them and then you can save them for your next baby. Many of our diapers are about to be worn on our third baby, even our fourth baby for some. Because cloth diapers are made from top quality, they last for years and babies to come. It’s a wonderful way to save some money in any way that you can.
It saves you money!!!! As you can tell from number 4, cloth diapers can save you money! Even if you just cloth diaper one child, cloth diapering essentially saves you money overtime because you have to buy less disposables depending on how much you cloth diaper. Some people cloth diaper exclusively. Others may only cloth diaper at home and for short outings, but choose disposables for longer outings and for the diaper bag. Whichever way works for you is what you should do. Either way cloth diapering saves you money with each wear, because that is one less disposable you’re using. As for the expense of cloth diapering, you can purchase a complete stash of diapers for anywhere from $150-500 - just depending on the brand, style and amount of diapers you choose to invest in. You can even purchase used cloth diapers and then strip them clean to sanitize for your little one. There are numerous ways to cloth diaper for little and save big! The estimated cost of using disposables on a baby from birth through potty training is around $2,000 — so by comparing the numbers you can see it’s a huge savings!
Cloth diapers are not for everyone and that’s okay. To be honest it is MUCH less gross than you'd think. Once you get the hang of it, it’s no different than cleaning a baby with a disposable compared to a baby with a cloth diaper. You’re just essentially saving money, saving the environment a tad and getting to use the cutest diapers on the block. To learn more about cloth diapers, read our popular post below. Head to our instagram for a giveaway too!
As you can see here, this is a one size diaper from Luludew. The snaps allow the diaper to be adjusted to fit babies from 8lbs through potty training size. The diaper on the left is adjusted for a smaller baby (but can still go smaller) while the diaper on the right is for a toddler. One size diapers are the most cost effective because they can last throughout all of the stages.
Luludew diapers have some of the softest inserts and inner shell I’ve ever seen. I can imagine it feels so wonderful and soft on your little one!