10 Oils for Moms
This batch of oils are great for supporting your emotions, sleep and hormones. Use them to relieve anxiousness, promote zen and help you get a better night of sleep.
Let’s face it, motherhood isn’t easy. We often need all of the unicorn magic, fairy dust and rainbows to make it through each day. But since those things don’t really exist, I’ll just settle on some good oils, lots of prayers and a cheap glass of wine.
When it comes to oils and motherhood there are countless oils we can use for our day. Whether it’s oils for emotions, oils for sleep or even oils for our teething babies, there are many ways in which we can have a tool box of support for our day to day role as MOM.
So today I am going to highlight my top 10 oils that I insist every mother should have on hand. There are so many wonderful oils and several that I have left off here, but dang these are mostly just the oils that will help bring you some peace, sleep and sanity. And a little backup for all the in betweens.
Tranquil. This oil is one that I love so much. It’s calming aroma smells so delightful that it’s what I apply for perfume most days. Some mornings getting us ready and out of the door for school drop off can be quite hectic, but by the time I apply this in my car and get going, suddenly I feel calmer and less anxious. Plus, I smell great!
Lavender. I’ll be honest, Lavender actually isn’t a favorite of mine and rarely is it actually in my diffuser. It’s crazy though because it’s one of the most well known and widely used oils. I love this oil for it’s topical uses and that’s why I think this is a great oil to have on hand. We use it for post mosquito bites, booboos, rashes, skin issues, calming/sleep for little ones and other various things. While we may not diffuse it a ton, it’s one that I definitely need in my tool box of support for myself and my children.
Peace and Calming. This oil is perhaps one of my favorite scents - maybe even more so than Tranquil. Often times I am wearing this oil on my diffuser jewelry and behind my ears. What I love about this oil is not just its calming capabilities, but the way it can improve my toddler’s sleep if we are going through a sleep regression or a few bad nights. Try this oil to help your little ones sleep better!
Progessance Plus. This oil can’t be diffused or ingested, but I recommend applying one drop daily to the forearms. This oil contains natural progesterone from wild yam extracts, so by using it you are increasing your progesterone (which many of us are low on). Since you are fooling with your hormones, I recommend one small drop on the forearms once a day, unless you for sure know that you have low progesterone levels. This oil can help support energy, mood, patience, cramps, cycles, fertility and so much more. I do find that being routine with this oil provides me with an overall ease in life.
Rutavala. I have met a few people who actually don’t prefer the scent of this oil, but man I like it. But I only use it for one reason only - SLEEP; and I only use it when needed. I’m naturally a good sleeper (because I’m always so exhausted um what mom isn’t!), but there are times when late at night or in the middle of the night that my brain can’t seem to shut off. When this happens all it takes is a quick swipe of this oil on my wrists, behind my neck and ears and then LIGHTS OUT. Seriously it’s amazing to me how fast it works! It has the ability to shut my brain off - which could really be beneficial to moms who struggle with any sort of anxiousness throughout the day.
Lemon oil. Because you never know what sort of spot you’ll have to clean, what sort of color you need to remove or what sort of stickers got put in the wrong place. Lemon oil is a natural cleaner similar to “Goo Gone” and does all sorts of wonders! Plus since most women suffer from “regularity,” I can tell you that this in a glass of water will help! ;)
Frankincense. Because moms need Jesus. Period. But no really, it’s very similar to lavender BUT it has anti aging benefits too so really, it’s because moms don’t want wrinkles.
Thieves. You have to have something to help cleanse the air, boost the immune system and help your husband who cries like a baby when he’s sick. Something needs to speed the recovery process up because we all know, men are babies!
Peppermint. Because kids lead to chaos, chaos leads to loudness and loudness leads to headaches. Peppermint is great at supporting head tension by simply rubbing some right on the temples!
Copaiba. No one likes dealing with an unhappy teething baby. Rub some of this unicorn magic on your little ones gums and boom shaka laka. You can email me your gratitude at themushymommy@gmail.com. ;) But no really, I like roses.
Whatever it is that you’re looking for as a mother, there’s a very good chance that there’s an oil for it. If you’d like to know more about using essential oils and more, visit our link here to learn about how you get started with essential oils today!
Today is the last day to get the starter kit for just $124 - that’s $36 off of the cost of the starter kit! Message me at themushymommy@gmail.com or check out our Facebook for more information.