Essential Oils for Postpartum Care

For more essential oil info, email me at To join my team, join here! 

For more essential oil info, email me at To join my team, join here! 

The postpartum period -- possibly one of the most sacred, hardest yet beautiful time periods that you can never get back. If it's your first baby you may be on a high and enjoying every moment as you figure out this motherhood thing, or perhaps you're stuck with anxiety about what to do. If you're not a rookie at this, then maybe you're just navigating along trying to adjust to another child, trying to form new routines and create a new normal for you and your family. 

Coming home with my third baby was totally and I mean TOTALLY met with less fear, anxiety and sadness than my coming home with my second. Not that I was sad or suffering from anything major with my second, but I definitely had anxiety for a bit about how I would manage to do this. It was overwhelming to think of caring for more than one child and that was sad. Fear is real when you come home with your second -- sure you know how to take care of a baby now, but can you manage to care for and equally dispense your love and care among TWO? (Guess what, you totally can)

That's what is great about a third -- you already know you CAN do these things! I already knew I can successfully take care of more than one baby. I already knew I would eventually develop new routines and find a new normal. It just takes time and patience. It takes some prayers and some sleep deprived nights.

 And oils. It takes OILS. 

While I was already a Young Living member when my second was born, I didn't go into it prepared to use my oils. I wasn't a super proactive oily user at the time. This go around I knew I wanted to be proactive and have oils on hand to help guide me postpartum and it has truly been such a great decision! 

Have the oils helped? Absolutely! These oils have helped contribute to an easier transition, a less emotional adjustment and a better sense of calm and confidence in tackling my days. I have never been one to need or turn to medication postpartum (or at all really), but if you are one who has needed medicine in the past during postpartum (or even after),  I highly recommend trying oils to see if they can help you! 

So what have I loved and what do I recommend? 

First off -- ROLL ONS. They get all the praise hands! 

Tranquil. I usually apply this mid morning to help keep me calm and laid back. I apply it at night sometimes if I feel wired as well. I love this oil! I have gotten many compliments on the scent of this oil since I wear it so much, it's basically my perfume now. It uses two of my favorite oils -- Cedarwood and Lavender and then adds in Roman Chamomile. It's your oil for ZEN. I swear it helps me keep my cool and high a higher level of patience. 

Stress away. Need I say more. When the kids are crazy, when the day is hectic and when life seems overwhelming I roll on Stress Away. This one is probably my favorite scent and I've long used this as a roll on. I truly feel like it helps me stay more patient and more understanding through the crazy. Roll it on and just walk away for a few seconds from the crazy! It won't fix tantrums, it won't cure the crazy and it won't keep you from wanting to hide in the closet every now and then, but it can help alleviate all of the insane stress and overwhelming feelings you experience (especially with a newborn and toddlers). 

*Deep Relief roll on can be great for aches and pains postpartum. 

Joy. Self explanatory really. Just apply a few drops over your heart, diffuse it or wear it as a fragrance on your neck or in a diffuser necklace. It's basically happy in a bottle. 

Progessance Plus. This is a nifty little bottle full of oils like Sacred Frankincense, Rosewood and Peppermint and many others to help with hormones and skin. It's ideal for women over 30 or even women in my case who are postpartum and have hormones settling back down. Add it to your moisturizer for your skin or apply on your neck and forearms for hormone support. It can help with things like sleep troubles, PMS, acne, depression, hot flashes, weight control (hook me up) hair loss and much more. *Please see a doctor if you think you are depressed. 

Gentle Baby. An excellent oil to promote a sense of calming for mothers and babies. It's also wonderful for fading stretch marks and can be used in sleepy time routines. This is excellent to diffuse in the home near bed time or if there are older siblings who need a little calm in their day. This oil smells wonderful and is a mommy must have!! Apply it to baby's sheets for better sleep or place on you and allow baby to breathe the aromas in while feeding! *For essential oil usage with babies or pregnancy, check out the book Gentle Babies. 

Other natural ways I helped myself postpartum:

  • Natural energy supplements such as Super B from Young Living
  • Taking walkings and exercising
  • Prayer
  • Time spent outdoors with my children
  • Having my husband take the older kids here and there to allow bonding time with my newborn

I'm sure there are many other popular oils that mamas have used and enjoyed postpartum. This is just a great start and foundation of oils that can help you adjust, help with your hormones and help keep you calm in the midst of the crazy. This is just my oily must haves right now and I plan to use these oils for quite some time. I totally believe in the fourth trimester, and these oils will be my buddies during it. 

Intersted in these oils and Young Living? Visit our Essential Oils section or email me at Want to join Young Living? Join MY team here!  

What helped you postpartum? How long did it take for you to adjust? 

All recommendations, recipes, uses and so forth for essential oils on this blog are only for Young Living essential oils. If using another brand of oil, please read the label or contact that company for usage recommendations. 
Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP.