Happy Halloween

This sweet superhero of mine is celebrating her second Halloween this year but it will be her first time to trick or treat and we are so excited

(okay, so mama is so excited).

When I look at these pictures it amazes me to see how much she has grown and how big she looks.

Can we slow down time just a tad?

I took Halloween totally different this year and didn't really go all crazy. Last year I searched for hours for the perfect costume and then searched for hours more for the perfect Ladybug costume that didn't cost an arm and a leg. Whereas, this year I seriously had no clue what she would be until I found this cute little dress at Target (it was in the clothes section and not the costume section). I knew after previously seeing a pink superman costume that a superman one would be cute, but it was nothing I was really out searching for. To say that I love her costume this year is an understatement. I think she's freaking adorable and the fact that I didn't stress over it makes it all the better.

Aren't holidays more fun when you don't go crazy trying to make them perfect?

And this is coming from the mama who already has Christmas gifts planned out to a tee. 

But anywho, this superwoman seriously may be the cutest and most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Of course though, there is a chance that I could be a


bias. Just a tad, though. I am already hoping that trick or treating this evening goes good and that she enjoys the wagon ride and ignores the candy. Babies don't need candy...mamas do! ;)

I hope you and your family have a happy and safe Halloween.

Don't forget to check your kiddos candy, supervise them at all times and enjoy the heck out of it! Babies don't keep, kids grow up and candy eventually goes bad...enjoy it!

What are your Halloween plans?