20 Fun Facts About Me!
- I'm blogging to you from Louisiana. I actually live right between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, so I get the best of both worlds. Where are you reading from? Comment below!
- I don't eat red meat or wild game. My husband is a hunter and each year we end up with a deep freeze full of fresh deer meat. I know, deer meat is much healthier than half of the crap in the store because it is completely natural. I just simply can't wrap my head around eating Bambi. And quite frankly, the conversation annoys the hell out of me.
- I want a farm. Kind of. I really just want to live on a bit of land with tons of gardens and some chickens. I don't need a big house, just something quaint and cozy with lots of storage.
- However I LOVE the city. I'd probably move to New York tomorrow if my husband would take us. So ideally, I'd like my farm to be on the outskirts of a major city.
- I have a sweet tooth. Yes I am all about natural and organic food! However, I also believe in eating things you love in moderation. You only live once, right? With that being said, I'm currently eating a piece of cheesecake topped with strawberries and whip cream.
- I have some annoying habits. 1) I always say, "I'm so hungry" right when hubby and I are on our way to eat dinner. Drives him nuts. 2) I'll tell you I that I don't like a certain food item, but truth be told, I've probably never tried it. 3) I move things without telling my husband. What wife doesn't do that though? FYI, these are all of my annoying habits according to my hubby. There's probably more.
- Speaking of my hubby... He's a hunk of man meat that I met in the 10th grade. I instantly wanted to make him my boyfriend, and by casting a secret love spell (aka: lots of flirting), it worked like a charm. That was 10.5 years ago and he still makes me giddy.
- Speaking of making me giddy... We have a sixteen month old baby girl. She's quite a handful. She's spunky, wild, sweet, loving, gorgeous and also happens to be a professional climber and tumbler. She's my heart and soul.
- I'm really not a fan of cooking. I love the finished product and feeling of cooking on my own, but I'm never excited to go cook a meal. I have to talk myself into it sometimes, but I cook 4-5 nights a week...score!
- I enjoy... reading, writing (obviously), dancing, anything related to green living and natural parenting, ATV riding, sleeping, camping, hiking, traveling, being pregnant and being lazy.
- I'm a dancer. Whoa now, don't jump to any conclusions. I'm a dance teacher and still a dance student myself often times. I don't just want to dance, I have to dance. I dance in all styles with my favorites being tap, hip hop and contemporary/modern.
- Motherhood changed me. I always thought that the only things I ever wanted to do was be a wife, mother and dancer. Now, my "job" as a mother and blogger is inspiring me to do even more. Motherhood changed me in so many ways and is leading me down a different path.
- I have strange phobias. I'm actually not too scared of a lot (I don't like haunted houses though). However I have a strange phobia of bubble gum of any sort, people brushing their teeth around me and ketchup. The first person to give my child ketchup, is the first person not getting a Christmas present that year.
- I have a college degree. Yep, it's in marketing and business and I have a minor degree in dance. Do I feel guilty for being home all day with a degree? You betcha.
- I have an Elvis collection. A very large one. I've been in love with him since I was 4 or 5.
- I love Christmas. My tree is usually up before Thanksgiving.
- I drink hot chocolate like it is coffee. Seriously, I can drink it 365 days a year.
- I'm a student currently. I'm in training to become a certified birth educator and a certified breastfeeding counselor. I can't wait to be finished with it all! I can't wait to help other mamas out there! I'm so passionate about childbirth and breastfeeding.
- I have an Instagram problem. I stare all my favorite profiles way too much!
- I just made myself sick on that cheesecake. Seriously, I ate two slices and now my belly hurts. And I feel gross.
I wrote this post because there has been an influx of new readers and Facebook likes! Thanks so much for the love and I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Leave a comment below telling me about yourself and what you'd love to see more of on The Mushy Mommy!
Thanks for reading, Sasha