Toddler Breakfast
I have to give credit for the above recipe to a blogger friend, Emily!
Make sure to check out
, and say hello!
So I know that breakfast is a very important meal, but unless it is a full course breakfast, it has never been my favorite meal. I don't like cereal and really never have; cinnamon rolls are old news and sometimes I'm just too lazy to make fresh oatmeal (except for in those first few months breastfeeding -- I ate that UP).
There are probably a ton of nifty breakfast ideas out there that include fun bacon, sausage and egg recipes. There may be some awesome pancake recipes for kids and there may also be yummy granola mixes.
, I haven't gotten that far yet into experimenting with fun breakfast foods.
Here is a look at some of the things my toddler eats. We always do three things to fill up her three section plates and to provide her with a few options. While I strive for a healthy, minimally processed diet, I'm nowhere near perfect. Most all of our fruits are organic and the mixes that I buy for anything if I don't make it on my own are the most natural mixes I can find. We strive for minimal ingredients on boxes all with words that we can recognize and no preservatives or artificial flavors.
Please note that this menu is based off of a kid who eats a good bit, but not large portions and who is also not a fan of eggs yet!
Day 1:
Blueberry Pancake Bites
(mix your pancake batter with fresh berries, bake at 350 in a mini muffin pan for 6-8 mins)
Fresh Kiwi Pieces
Fresh Blueberries
Day 2:
Wheat Toast with butter (preferably organic or non dairy)
Fresh Strawberries
Yogurt for dipping/eating or Scrambled Eggs
Day 3:
Regular pancakes with no syrup
Fresh Peaches
Fresh Blueberries
Day 4:
Wheat Toast with strawberry cream cheese (very little - this is a treat)
Fresh Grapes or Scrambled Eggs
Fresh Kiwi
Day 5:
Leftover Pancake Bites (or Homemade Muffins)
Banana Pieces
Fresh Strawberries
Day 6:
Apple Sauce (preferably home made and/or no sugar)
Fresh Grapes
Fresh Blueberries
Day 7:
Scrambled Eggs or REAL Oatmeal (both things we are working on)
Fresh Apricot
Fresh Kiwi
I don't stress about breakfast too much in my house for my toddler. I look at is a time to stock up on fresh fruits for lots of antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins and more. However as I try and learn new things, I do find it to be more fun. I hope to share another post soon with more "fun" and easy breakfast ideas!
What is breakfast like in your house for your toddler?
Thanks for reading, Sasha