The Easiest Way to GO Green
Recently I was asked the question,
"what do I think is the easiest way to go green."
And today I am going to answer that for you.
There can be several different ways to answer the above question. I could perhaps just give you one simple change to make and say that that is your best and easiest way to go green. For instance, the use of reusable shopping totes is a pretty easy and very green change to make in your lifestyle;
simple enough right?
I could also answer the above question by telling you the best way to go green in your lifestyle
as a whole
And that's what I will do.
Why Are You Going Green?
Going green isn't something that you just wake up one day and decide to do on a whim. Usually someone goes green because of startling research, information or events that engage them enough to become curious and mindful. Perhaps a viral Facebook article catches your attention or perhaps a documentary about global warming does it for you; something has to ignite the fire.
It Takes Time
Once you decide that your lifestyle needs some changes, whether it is for the betterment of yourself or the planet, you have to realize that
it takes time to make those changes.
Going green is not easy in this easy access, convenient and wasteful society that we live in. Sometimes it's hard to find others to relate to and ask your questions to, but thankfully due to a growing "trend" of green thinkers, it's becoming easier to find the help you need. In a way, I think your planet is slowly heading towards a green revolution thanks to many green minded, crunchy people.
Small Changes Produce Big Results
Small changes eventually lead to even bigger changes. For example, my need to rid our home of wasteful and toxic disposable diapers led me to purchasing biodegradable, safe disposable diapers and then later led me to good ole' fashioned cloth diapering. Small changes fuel you for bigger changes down the road. Small changes make the transition much easier (as well as slowly helps your loved ones to get acquainted with the idea that you're making some changes). While you may think that changing just one thing in your lifestyle isn't enough to impact the planet, I promise that it is.
It Takes Time to Learn
It takes time to do research and time to learn labels and ingredients. It takes time to understand what words like composting and frankincense mean. Ingredients and label reading becomes a new task that takes some getting used to and for someone who has never successfully kept a plant alive, a garden can suddenly become your life's greatest adventure. Going green isn't a competition or a crunchy mommy war to see who can lead the "greenest" lifestyle, but instead it is simply about taking the time to educate yourself and slowly, but surely, change your lifestyle to reflect those changes.
Realize That You'll Never Be Perfect
And finally, the easiest way to go green is to realize that perfection is impossible. You simply can't live a 100% green life, 100% of the time. You're going to forget those reusable totes on occasion and sometimes you're going to indulge in a yummy bag of Oreos that was shipped in from BFE and are the farthest thing from organic. Life is too short to strive for perfection. It's about finding the balance and the confidence to go green while still enjoying the ride.
You have to live a little.
While you may sometimes feel lost in a world of non green thinkers, you'll eventually realize that your way is what works for you. The knowledge that you acquire while going green makes you feel like a walking encyclopedia for everything that is unhealthy for yourself and your planet. It makes you feel like with each new change you make, your saving yourself as well as your family and the planet in which you live. You'll find the confidence you need to live your life
your way
and you'll find the peace within yourself to still enjoy it to the fullest.
So really, going green is pretty dang easy.
Why did you decide to or
why are you thinking about going green?
Thanks for reading, Sasha
This was written to answer the question, "What do you think is the easiest way to go green"
as part of the requirements to be on ecollege finders top green living blogs resource page.
The Mushy Mommy was nominated as one of these blogs.
Thanks to all for reading and continually sharing these posts. xo!