Mama Made Baby Food: Mango Avocado
In our home avocado is one of those foods that is always a "guarantee baby will like" kind of food. I'm not sure exactly why, but our Little Bug loves avocado and anything made with it. Personally, I am not an avocado person and my husband is most definitely not. Just the sight of guacamole makes my husband's stomach turn. I have a feeling my little avocado baby will be a guacamole fool (yea for hopefully many Mexican dinner dates in our future).
Mango is another fruit that I am not really a fan of. I've tried it a bit when I used it in my baby food, but the taste and the smell never really seem to win me over. However, Little Bug does love her some mango and the combination of these two were tasty for her.
Avocado purees are the prettiest purees in my opinion and no matter what I ever add to the recipe, it comes out beautiful. So here's a new recipe to add to your avocado list of yummy baby goodness.
What is your baby's favorite fruit?
Thanks for reading, Sasha