Sneaux Day 2014
So we are on our second "snow day" here in Louisiana (or as we like to say Sneaux).
On Friday we had a snow day of icy weather and roads. This photo was taken on Friday
and I'll be honest, only the icicle is real. The snow is a photo edit -- it's me dreaming.
Today and tomorrow was supposed to be a white heaven of snow around here.
So far...nothing is on the ground.
Schools are closed for the next two days, it's freezing and it's a "wintry mix" of sleet and snow.
But dang it, I want snow. I want snow that I can take pictures of and take pictures of my
baby girl in. I want to dress her up and sit in her some white fluff.
A southern girl can dream.
My internet has been crazy the last few days and only works when it wants to.
So bear with me during posting...
Tell me, are you experiencing any snow and/or
extreme winter weather?
What are you doing during it?
We're washing diapers, making baby food, baking cookies and eating way too many
Dove Valentine's chocolates.
Happy Sneaux Day!
Don't forget my $75 Cloth Diaper giveaway from
Over the Moon Diapers and my