Christmas, You Wore Me Out
Dear Readers,
I hope that you and your family had a super, duper amazing Christmas. My scheduled post for yesterday never actually made it up (it was more like "scheduled" in my mind) and today I am plum exhausted. It was such a fun and joyful Christmas for us and such a blessing to share it with our sweet little elf. She rocked it Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, but by midday yesterday she just wasn't a fan of all the time away from home, the loud noise, and the tons of people. Let's just say she wore mommy out and my dress probably has cling marks on it. :)
All in all it was truly the best Christmas yet and it is so different and so much more exciting to see Christmas through the eyes of your child. We started a tradition (yes I'm already calling it a tradition) of reading The Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve and reading the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. We "nibbled" on cookies for Santa and we wore fuzzy pjs that were just too cute. We snuggled Christmas morning in bed and then saw nothing but pure delight and excitement in a baby staring at far too many toys from Santa.
I plan on sharing highlights of our Christmas season over the next two days through photos, but today I am just exhausted. Little Bug is on her second big nap of the day and mommy has a house that looks like Toy R' Us blew up in it and oh my gosh I haven't made my bed in like four days. That is unheard of.
So I'm going to get back to work and eventually back to play time with my little elf when she wakes. I truly hope you enjoyed your holiday season! Hey, it's not over until the New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,