Baby Girl Winter Fashion

So here is how Louisiana weather works --> Yesterday we went to the post office in short sleeves and light pants around noon. About three hours later you needed a snow jacket just to go check the mail. 

So since it's so COOOLLLDDDD here, I figured I'd share some adorable infant must haves for your Little Princess during times of snow, freezing weather and cold temps. I'm hoping for a snow day this December, but because I live in LA we don't have any snow items for our baby girl in the even that it does happen. will she ever go out and build a snowman? That's when you use layer upon layer, blanket upon blanket, sit your baby in the freezing snow and snap some pictures and then later realize when your baby has the sniffles that maybe it wasn't such a great idea.

 But hey - if or when it snows in LA, you've got to take pictures!

I'll make sure to share some little boy's winter fashions soon too! 
What's your December weather like?

Happy Weekend, Sasha

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