Weekly Update: 36 Weeks

{last week with my mom, I forgot to take a picture but I have this one!}

How far along? 36 weeks, 6 Days
Baby Size: A honeydew
Total weight gain: 31lbs
Maternity clothes? Hardly even those anymore. I'm really running out of things!
Stretch marks? Belly is still good! 
Sleep: During this week leading up to now, sleep has gotten a bit better. 
Best moment this week: Seeing her on the ultrasound. She is estimated to be 5lbs 12oz.
She was so cute and so active. She also scored perfectly in everything they looked for. 
Miss Anything? I was missing Subway like crazy but finally decided to cave in and eat it. 
Many people don't listen to that rule about cold meats and what not, so I ate there and just
had them toast my sandwich with everything on it -- veggies included. 
Words can't explain how delicious it was! 
Movement: She is still moving around quite a bit! In her ultrasound we were able to see
her practicing her breathing and swallowing. That was really neat!
Food cravings: Back to pepperoni pizza with bell peppers!
Anything making you queasy or sick: During this week it was a sick free week!
Gender: Lady
Symptoms: Starting to have more frequent contractions and notice the occasional 
bits of swelling. I also get to where my feet hurt after awhile. Not sure if it's the extra load
I'm carrying or what, but when I wake up or when I'm real active my feet hurt!
Belly Button in or out? Pretty out.  
Wedding rings on or off? Very tight! 
Mood: READY. Anxious. Excited. 
Labor Progress: Dilated 1 cm, 50% effaced and she was in a -3 station!
Looking forward to: Holding my baby girl. I'm SO ready for her! 
I can't wait to see what she looks like and if she has hair! 
SOOOOOOOOO ready to have my baby girl in my arms! 

This week's picture was taken after I spent
all day at my dance recital and even did a little
dancing on stage. I was trying to shake her out...
more on the results of that later! 