The Curse of the Tacky Diaper Bag
Diaper bags are one of those staples that every new mom needs. Some have to use it everyday when they drop their child off at the sitter or daycare; to run errands around town with; and to take over when visiting others (grandma particularly).
I hate to say this but I sure have seen some tacky diaper bags in my day. Even years ago I remember seeing some and thinking I'd never want one like that. Of course I really don't think diaper bags became quite so trendy until recently. Modern culture has brought out a new pattern of diaper bags that don't include animals and rainbows. I've also noticed how short of a time span the less expensive, plastic material ones last. I believe the one I purchased for my sister lasted only a few months.
From the beginning I had wanted a Vera Bradley one as I have an obsession with her work (but usually only purchase the retiring pieces) but was iffy on the idea. Vera Bradley is all cloth meaning that it isn't something you just wipe clean. However I have washed my Vera bags before and they come out spotless and in great condition. How dirty does a diaper bag get? However this particular bag that I am looking at is not actually a diaper bag so there is no plastic lining on the inside.
My question for all of you mommy friends, is whether or not you find plastic diaper bags work better? I know that the quality of Vera Bradley is outstanding as I have loaded my bags before and carried them all around and have had lasting endurance from all of my bags. Not to mention that I can wash it. This particular bag has numerous compartments: six on the outside and three on the inside I believe.
So what do you recommend as the perfect diaper bag? Wipe away plastic or washable cloth?
This is the Vera bag that I found half off and
it has always been one of my favorite patterns.
It's also in Little Bit's colors!
Pattern: Happy Snails, Bag: Go Around Tote
This is one that I had on my registry at Babies R' Us...
Yes I know, the Vera one is so much more me. ;)
What do you recommend to be the best
type of bag?
As I type this, I think I already know that Vera won this battle.