When Can I Setup Nursery?

Ever since I learned I was pregnant I quickly began searching for gender neutral bed sets as I knew I wanted something neutral no matter what Little Bit was. I had everything picked out and ready to go for the nursery. Now that I've learned it is a precious little Princess I've found the pink items that I want to add to the nursery, but otherwise my original idea still remains the same for the nursery. 

Now the question is, when can I setup nursery? I'm so OCD, impulsive and overly ecstatic about things like organizing and decorating. The idea of designing a baby nursery gives me the same excitement as a kid with their new Christmas toys. I just simply can't wait to begin the process. 

When is the appropriate time frame for having nurseries setup and ready to go? Ten weeks before? Five weeks before? Or perhaps what I'm predicting for myself: 15 weeks before? I have so many ideas running through my head. Rather than register for all of the bedding and furniture, my husband and I are just purchasing that ourselves. We rather get things ready (besides my bedding is all online) and leave the registering for things we need to care for little baby. So as you can imagine, this little click-happy-internet-browsing mama is ready to setup shop nursery. 

Until then, here are some of my favorite nursery inspirations:

The following three nurseries via

When did you setup the nursery?