What is Baby S?

I have been meaning to let you guys know about our sweet little gender reveal. After we found out we were SO over the moon and busy taking pictures, sending texts and then running to finish Christmas shopping and of course buying little Baby S its first couple of "gender appropriate" outfits. So as I sit here looking at the house that needs so much tending to (aka housework) and as I look at the stack of Christmas cards that needs to be done, I decided to put up a teaser.  Yes, that's right...I'm teasing you guys with some fun shots from yesterday! Besides, I want to now what you all think! Prince or Princess???

Check out the blog tomorrow to find out what Baby S is and why I'm so over the moon. Yesterday was perhaps one of the best days of my life. Everything seems so much more real now and calling it by its sweet name just makes my day. Our baby was healthy and moving all around. We were able to see so much and even get a sneak preview of it in 4D. This is one ecstatic and blessed mama. And I can't wait to share the details with you awesome readers. 

P.S. Don't get to mad that I'm teasing you! :)

Waiting with our families to see what Baby S was...
We both have on PINK ribbons because we really thought Baby S was a girl!

Celebrating the amazing news! 

One ecstatic Mommy to Be! Where is Daddy to Be? Perhaps he was trying to 
gain his composure and overcome the shock...haha.

So which balloons do you think we let go of and which ones do you think
we were left holding to represent our sweet angel?
HMMMMM...Take a guess!

Can't wait to share the details!