Weekly Update: 17 Weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks, 6 Days
Baby Size: An Onion
Total weight gain: 3lbs as of week 16 
Maternity Clothes? Continuously buying them
Stretch marks? None yet and hope it stays that way
Sleep: I am beginning to have some trouble sleeping. I get aches from trying to 
stay on the left side; I have to use the restroom quite often and sometimes
 my brain just doesn't shut off. The night I found out it was a girl resulted in no sleep
 because of excitement!
Best moment this week: Finding out little bit was a GIRL and seeing her on 
sonogram for the first time in 10 weeks! 
Miss Anything? I really want a hot dog.
Movement: Lots of flutters! Some days they are so strong, but I don't think 
it is an actual kick yet. But when she is fluttering a lot, I can actually feel 
the little movements with me hand
Food cravings: Chips and Salsa from Chilis!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Well I went almost all of Week 17 
without throwing up! Then on Friday morning it happened. :/
Gender: It's a GIRL!!!! 
Symptoms: Some lower back aches, nausea and sleepiness. Whoever said 
the second trimester came with more energy lied. I feel way more tired now. 
Belly Button in or out? Still relatively normal. 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood: Pretty awesome lately! Especially after finding out baby's gender! 
Looking forward to: Seeing her again at my 20 week checkup!  
P.S. I'm actually 18 weeks right now--this is last week!

Name: Has been picked out and done, but not sure when we will reveal it on here. 

I think the morning sickness is passing, but then again, every time I think that it comes right back. 
We are so over the moon about our sweet baby's gender. I've been dreaming about bows, lace, leggings and dresses since I became pregnant. I did indeed end up with my motherly instinct. I was so worried I wouldn't get it. But, at about 2 weeks before the reveal, I was certain it was a SHE. See our gender reveal HERE.

Daddy to Be is adjusting as expected to the news of a girl. He wanted a little boy first so it could toughen him up, but it looks like he'll just become a softie first. This girl will have him wrapped! Baby S will be his Princess and I think it has finally settled with him. He was trying so desperately to feel her move last night. He did feel two little pulse like movements with his hand. So technically he has felt her---but I still say it isn't a kick! 

With her heartbeat bear :)

Did y'all all think it was a girl?

When did your kicks start?