That Motherly Instinct
So many people that you speak to who have had several children or maybe even just one, will likely tell you that they had a "motherly instinct" that told them what they were having. I'm in my second trimester and I really don't know if I have that instinct yet. Thank goodness I find out the sex of the baby in about three weeks, but I'm sure hoping my instinct kicks in before then.
What about mommy? Well, mommy isn't really sure.
I'm hoping that motherly instinct kicks in soon so I can tell my child one day that I knew exactly what he or she was. I'd hate to say, "Sorry kid, but I thought you were a girl all along." It would be nice to have that instinct so I can feel like I've already made that connection with my little baby. Perhaps if I could see it again on sonogram I would know. My husband is so desperately wishing for a boy that he's practicing his facial expressions for when they say, "It's a girl!" Funny thing is that I know he will be absolutely excited to have a little princess. Maybe he is right, maybe it is a girl.
Then there is the chance it is a boy.
Did you feel that "motherly instinct" that let
you know what your baby was?