GO GREEN, GO MAMA - Baby Edition
The world of baby products can be completely overwhelming, am I right? Registering is fun but can often times becomes stressful. If you're like me, you probably had a blast registering for all of the common and popular brands and products only to find out afterwards that some of those products may not be the best route to go (like Johnson and Johnson's anyone?!).
Our GO GREEN, GO MAMA session is a one on one virtual session where you learn the ins and outs of safe and natural baby products. Sometimes blog posts and books are too overwhelming and a simple chat, with a likeminded mama does the trick.
What is included in your session?
- A breakdown of skin care products for baby. Tell us the brands you want and have in mind or may be currently using and we'll discuss their safety and alternatives if needed. Includes bath products, lotions, rash creams, sunscreens and bug sprays. We also send information over on products to help combat eczema.
- A breakdown of what feeding items are best. We take a peek at what bottles are best for breastfeeding, talk about brands of feeding supplies that are safest with the least amount of chemicals and where to find them.
- A brief breakdown of great natural medicines to have on hand after baby is born.
- A breakdown of safe and natural cleaning products with a concise explanation on why you need to go the natural cleaning route.
- A simplified, photo breakdown of how to use the EWG website for future questions on skin care items.
We leave you with handy lists and charts for easy resources once our session is complete.
How does the session work?
We complete the session in a course of one week through emails or phone conversations. Emails come complete with graphics of recommended brands and products and links to purchase and handy list of ingredients to stay away from. There is an unlimited number of emails that can be sent, but session must start on a Monday and end by 5 pm on a Friday. While our store carries many items, there are several we do not carry. There is no obligation to purchase from our store and other places will be linked to help you locate the items you need easily.
Price for session is $30 and must be completed within a Monday through Friday time frame. Non refundable unless session cannot be completed on my part due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances.
GO GREEN, GO MAMA - Mama Edition
Being a mama is hard work, and sometimes we may put things off and not worry so much about ourselves and just focus on the safety and well being of our babies. However, we NEED to take care of ourselves as well. Our babies need us and they need us to be healthy and creating healthy homes.
Our GO GREEN, GO MAMA session is a one on one virtual session where you learn the ins and outs of safe and natural products. Sometimes blog posts and books are too overwhelming and a simple chat, with a likeminded mama does the trick.
What is included in your session?
- A breakdown of skin care products. Tell us the brands you want and have in mind or may be currently using and we'll discuss their safety and alternatives if needed. Includes bath products, lotions, rash creams, sunscreens, bug sprays, etc...
- A breakdown of makeup and hair products. We'll list the brands and products we recommend and handy ingredient lists to stay away from.
- A breakdown of safe and natural cleaning products for the home with a concise explanation on why you need to go the safe and natural route.
- A simplified, photo breakdown of how to use the EWG website for future questions on skin care items.
We leave you with handy lists and charts for easy resources once our session is complete.
How does the session work?
We complete the session in a course of one week through emails or phone conversations. Emails come complete with graphics of recommended brands and products and links to purchase and handy list of ingredients to stay away from. There is an unlimited number of emails that can be sent, but session must start on a Monday and end on a Friday at 5 pm. While our store carries many items, there are several we do not carry. There is no obligation to purchase from our store and other places will be linked to help you locate the items you need easily.
Price for session is $30 and must be completed within a Monday through Friday time frame. Non refundable unless session cannot be completed on my part due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances.